Testimonials on Coffee Machine
I had the opportunity to work with Specta(c)tor during the "Prejudice, Discrimination, and the Diversity Challenge" summer school at the University of Geneva. The troupe showed great professionalism in our discussions and did an excellent job of adapting my academic research on sexism into an interactive play. The whole audience was impressed by this innovative show, which enabled us to discuss and find relevant and realistic tools for fighting against cases of sexism. This was work of the highest quality!
A highly engaging and creative interactive theatre piece, in which audience members experience both the benefit of intervention and the ever-present resistance in tackling gender-based harassment at work.
- Louise Carvalho, CERN D&I Programme Leader
Time flies… We’d like to shout “stop” every second and cover everything. No matter, the questions are asked by your wonderful team. It’s up to us to answer them!! Congratulations and thanks you.
- Participant, Open Rehearsals
I had the opportunity to participate in Coffee Machine recently and was amazed by how much the Specta(c)tor group succeeds in stimulating collective learning and active engagement with patterns of every-day sexism. A fantastic tool to get the conversation started within your organization/ community and to equip participants with the tools to actively challenge sexist behaviours and attitudes.
- Hannah Reinl, Senior Project Officer, Intenational Gender Champions
If you want to share your impressions of Specta(c)tor, you can click here!
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